This album lacks two things TL are best known for - hard rockin` guitars and lots of Irish influences. Instead it has a lot of sappy ballads, which probably have interesting lyrics, but musically apart from "It`s only money" there`s very little this album can offer. It surely ain`t as bad as really bad but it`s so generic, so pathetically uninsteresting that I don`t even want to describe it. Ja Thin Lizzy mūsdienās kāds vispār pazīst, tad tas ir pateicoties divām dziesmām - "The Boys are back in town" un "Whiskey in the jar". Tā ā šajā albūmā nav nevienas no tām, tad loģiski nekā pazīstama šeit arī nav. Man nepatika. Vai nu tāpēc ka labprātāk klausos kaut ko smagaku, vai tāpēc ka gribu vairāk melodiju. Šeit nav ne viena, ne otra.