The Mansion
book — USA — 1959

William F. was one of the most acclaimed novelists of the previous century yet until this time I hadn`t read a single one of his works. I`m not so sure how it happened this way but it`s a solid fact that I never really had time for Faulkner. Maybe because I thought he was one of those boring WW1 writers (not that I had anything against WW1 writers). But the Mansion doesn`t have too much to do with either WW1 or WW2. Yes, both of those wars happen in the period the heroes of this book live, yet they aren`t mentioned too often (heck, they are nearly not mentioned at all). The books starts off as a story about Mink Snoups, a young and not too bright farmer that gets angry with his rich neighbour mainly because of his own weird perception of the world. It ends for him quite badly after he kills the rich neibhbour Mink is sentenced for life at the Parchman farm (a prison where you work in the field). Later on we switch more to other Snoups`es as people connected with them. Mainly due to the adopten daughter of Flem Snoups - Mink`s cousin who has achieved much in his life and who doesn`t want Mink ever to come out of Parchmen`s place. The novel has lots of different leading characters, forming something like a weird flow of different story lines, that somehow get perfectly connected in the end. At some scenes the whole thing may seem overlong, yet Faulkner knows exactly what he`s doing and what each character is for in his world. Not than most of them have a purpose or something, it only means that nothing is out of place.