Mouth of a Prophet
book — Germany — 1991

This is not the kind of literature I read just because I find it attractive. This is the kind of literature I read because I need to read more in German. F.F. was an East-German writer who apparantely was one of the most important writers of his kind. After reading a book of his late stories (he died before the wall came down) I`m not so sure why he`s so important. Fuehmann seems to be more specialising in rewriting already known stories without giving them too much of himself than in anything else. Yet some of these stories are quite worth the read. For example, the title story is a story about two kings ruling two lands both of which have three wishes, two out of those wishes match - to rule the other land and to have the mouth of a prophet. Yet not one of them can stand a prophet talking to him, because a prophet doesn`t have too many good words for a tyrant, and prophets predictions aren`t too pleasant either. Then there`s a story about two brothers falling in love with their own sister. But apart from that I found F.F.`s book quite uninspiring to read, and made it through mainly because of knowing that it`s not right to stop.