Don Juan DeMarco
film — USA — 1995

I had an argument with my girlfriend over whether I had already watched this film with her or not. First I was pretty sure that I hadn`t but later on I started to doubt whether my memory wasn`t tricking me. The truth happened to lie somewhat in between - while watching the film I came to the conclusion that I had seen nearly a half of it. The latter half by the way, which meant that pretty soon I knew what the film would end with. That didn`t really bother me much for "Don Juan DeMarco" isn`t one of those films that struck you like lightning with an unexpected ending. Johnny Depp plays a fellow who`s either Don Juan, the great lover, or just an insecure kid from Queens, NY. Marlon Brando is either a famous psychiatrist named Dr. Mickler or a Spanish fellow named Don Octavio. Basically it`s up to the viewer to believe in Depp`s story of his life or not. It`s about believing in perfect imaginary worlds or not. I may be a romantic but I would say "Why not?" just like Mickler does in the end.