Hubert or the return to Casablanca
book — Germany — 1978

This is the story of a fellow named Hubert. He was the son of a prominent German nazi, yet he himself wasn`t much of any person in deed. But he was quite good at inventing stories about his life. During the war where he participated as a volunteer he didn`t get to see the action much, spending most of the time as a war clerk (quite similar to Mr. Edmund Blackadder in WW1 by the way) but he was always willing to tell some untrue stories about his heroical deeds. And apart from that he was a huge fan of Humfrey Bogarte and loved all of his films and sometimes wanted to believe that he was in fact Bogarte`s character. Only in the end it went a bit wrong when he told some people the story of the film "Casablanca" as a part of his own life. Unexpectedly the truth behind this story was found out quite fast (yeah, he spent the war in Czechoslovakia and not in Casablanca by the way) and thus he transformed from a hero into a goofball.