Coney Island Baby
music — USA — 1976

This is one of the most relaxed and optimistic records Lou has had in his long and productive career. Who cares that it was written at a time when he had fallen in love with a man? Songs like "Crazy Feeling", "A gift" or "Oohhh Baby" rule despite that. In form and essence this record is quite similar to the most despised record of his collection - "Sally Can`t dance" - it`s a record full of optimistic and simple songs, that don`t want to change the world or anything like that but that are just simple and beautiful.
Vispār Lū Rīda albūmi pēc definīcijas gandrīz visi ir labi, bet Coney Island Baby ir viens no visatbrīvotākajiem un optimistiskākajiem no viņa albūmiem (cik zinu, viņš to sarakstīja, kad bija iemīlējies kaut kādā transvestītā vai tamlīdzīgi). Cik saprotu, dziesmu tematika bieži šajā albūmā ir mazliet perversa un mazliet samaitāta, bet kas es lai būtu, ka izteiktu Lū Rīdam pārmetumus par to, ka viņa dziesmas nav tādas kā "Yesterday"? Viņš tomēr ir "Walk on the wild side" radītājs.