I wonder why I read so much Remarque. After all he isn`t one of my favourite writers and I`m not even reading his books in German. But I also have to admit that this book is significantly better than "Himmel kennt keine Guenstlinge". The book is about a German journalist who has escaped from a nazi concentration camp and now is looking for a place for himself in the land of brilliant oportunities - the States. He doesn`t do particulary well, but he doesn`t do bad neither. The same can be sad about the book itself. Kopīgā tendence vēlīnajam Remarkam - viņa rakstības stils zaudējis daļu vitalitātes, tēmas atkārtojas, jaunu ideju nav, viņš tomēr ir zudušās paaudzes rakstnieks, bet kur bija zudusī paaudze septiņdesmitajos gados? Zudusi.