Empire of the Angels
book — France — 2000

Empire of the Angels is the second part of the trilogy about life and death by Bernard Werber. Since I haven`t read the first part yet, I don`t know whether this one is better or worse than the first, and I also wasn`t already familiar with the characters at the beginning of this book. The main hero, a certain Michelle Planard (if I remember his name correctly) dies at the very beginning of the book. He goes to heaven where his soul is weighted and with the help of his guardian angel (who happens to be Emile Zola) he`s updated to an angel and three people whom he should guard are given him. His main goal is to make one of the persons reach the level of 600 points (which one should achieve in order to become an angel). Michelle can help his people on their hard way through life on earth using several tools which include: 1) intuition; 2) signs; 3) dreams; 4) mediums; 5) cats. Yet people rarely want to be guided through life by an angel. The three patients of Michelle are: 1) Jacques, a French man who becomes a writer; 2) an American top model; 3) a Russian criminal named Igor. At the beginning of their journey Igor has the best starting position (in terms of points earned in previous life), yet it doesn`t go well enough for him - he`s born to a mother that wants to kill him, first he ends up in a children`s care centrum, then in a prison for minors, then in Chechnya. Meanwhile the young model evolves into a very egoistic and dull person. Michelle doesn`t follow his "patients" lives too much for he has other things to do. What I learned from this book is the recipe for a human person: 25% karma + 25% from parents + 50% free choice. This was one of the few books that I`d lately read that had a very strong influence upon me. Maybe it`s that way because I liked what the author was writing, I liked the message, I liked the idea. I have to admit that not everything in this book was marvelous and that some episodes weren`t as bright as others, yet it`s still one of the best books I`ve read this year.