Since I find it too trooublesome to write onthe iPad in Latvian, thuis description will be in English. It certainly has nothing to do with the fact that for the upcoming weeks I`ll be employing a lot. A small girl is locked out of her mothers apartment, because her mother is a careless person that has forgotten about her daughter. She ends up with the old man next door, the daughter that is, who happens to be a collectionist of butterflies. Luckily he has not climbed out from a novel by John Fowles, so nothing too unpleasant happens, instead the gi rl joins the grumpy old man on a hiking trip where he wishes to find an Isabelle, a very rare kind of butterflies. During this journey the old man will learn new stuff about himself and he will learn to appreciate something that he did not appreaciate before. Meanwhile the girls mother reappears and is getting worried aobut what has happened to hier daughter, and police grows suspicious that the old man may indeed come from the Fowles novel, although noobody really mentions Fowles in this film. The film is typically warm and nice,just the kind I had expected it to be, probably ņothing too magnificiently original, yet as a whole i t is very enjoyable and a nice watch.