A Night at the Opera
music — UK — 1975

For quite a long while Queen was my most favourite band and I couldn`t even imagine that one day I could say that this band recorded a lot of crappy songs. Sure, Queen were quite good at selecting singles from their albums (apart from maybe "Body language" and "The invisible man") but, man, do their albums contain a lot of filler which sometimes is boring and sometimes is even worse than that. This album surely is considered their peak by most rock critics and it probable was it as well. But even on here some problems can be found. Out of the 12 tracks only "Death on two legs", "You`re my best friend" and "Bohemian rhapsody" are totally amazing. Of course, this album doesn`t have any stinkers as well, for otherwise it would be hardly a great album, don`t you think. But the "Prophet`s song" is terribly long and not particulary interesting. If you could skip tracks on an MC I`d probably skip this one even way back in 1990s when I still was a huge fan of this band.
Update 2010: lai arī mana attieksme pret Queen pēdējā laikā nav kļuvusi sevišķi labāka, tomēr jāatzīst, ka par "Night at the opera" es izteicos pārāk kritiski - šis tomēr ir ļoti nozīmīgs ieraksts gan rokmūzikas vēsturē, gan man personīgi, un nav korekti to vērtēt tik zemu.
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