Nosaukums | | | Veids | Vērtējums |
Neierastā Amerika | Anšlavs Eglītis | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Karaļa viesi | Mariss Vētra | 1954 | Grāmata | |
On the Waterfront | Elia Kazan | 1954 | Filma | |
Johnny Guitar | Nicholas Ray | 1954 | Filma | |
Journey to Italy | Roberto Rossellini | 1954 | Filma | |
Sweet Thursday | John Steinbeck | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Twenty-One Stories | Graham Greene | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Zeit zu leben und Zeit zu sterben | Erich Maria Remarque | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Hobson`s Choice | David Lean | 1954 | Filma | |
Haus ohne Hüter | Heinrich Boell | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Lord of the Flies | William Golding | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Stiller | Max Frisch | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Under the Net | Iris Murdoch | 1954 | Grāmata | |
Hercules and Augias` Stable | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1954 | Grāmata | |
The Process of the Donkeys Shadow | Friedrich Duerrenmatt | 1954 | Grāmata | |
The Destructors | Graham Greene | 1954 | Grāmata | |
The Rear Window | Alfred Hitchcock | 1954 | Filma | |
La Strada | Frederico Fellini | 1954 | Filma | |